The 11th edition of CULTOURFAIR  – the only international B2B tradeshow worldwide specialized in premium Cultural and MICE tourism – has the support and sponsorship of the Oviedo City Council and Blau Hotels. The event will take place in Oviedo, Spain, from September 29th to October 1st at the magnificent spa of Las Caldas Villa Termal by Blau Hotels, a unique location for doing business in harmony with nature.

CULTOURFAIR aims to position high standing cultural tourism and to this purpose selects 50 premium buyersdecision making directors and executives – specialized in: luxury travel, events (sports, musical, wine, gourmet, etc.), MICE, city-breaks, heritage, gastronomy, folklore, religious, etc.

The program for the event offers an agenda of up to 30 preestablished appointments with rigorously selected buyers. The workdays will be completed with a high-standing networking program, boosting contact between all participants and fostering business-links, thus guaranteeing a return on investment.

CULTOURFAIR has taken place in nine cities across five countries, its latest edition was held in Seville in 2023, rated by all its participants as a resounding success in organization, ROI and quality, becoming a must-attend event and one of the leading international fairs in the sector. The previous edition featured the participation of 130 companies hailing from 36 countries, conducting over 2,000 business meetings with an estimated medium to long-term economic impact of 200 million euros.

In the words of its participants:

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, María Ruiz Arévalo: "First of all, congratulations on the perfect organization. Well done, everything worked very smoothly. Regarding the meetings, the same. There was a lot of interest, and the buyers showed a very high level. We are very satisfied with our participation."

Turim Hotels, Luis Santos: "TURIM HOTEIS appreciates the excellent organization, the social events, and the workshop itself. The quality of the buyers was excellent, opening doors to good opportunities for future business. A fact that will undoubtedly be repeated in 2024."

Visit Argentina, Lucianna Sola: "Congratulations on the event! The return was excellent; may the successes continue."



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